Trackers Earth: Camp Reviews

The best quotes from parents and kids so far…

This was the best camp experience ever! She came home brimming with excitement and enthusiasm. We heard more stories on Monday evening than we heard for the entire school year! She was happy, engaged and tired at the end of the day. Your staff are present, intelligent and warm. I really appreciated everyone that I met in connection with Trackers. You really are in a class by yourself.
-Dannielle Mutch

Angus had an amazing week! We are so happy to have found this camp. He loved the mix of nature, hiking, skills, and games, like VIP. I loved that the counselors were mature, skilled professionals who could instill respect, discipline, and fun.
-Mary Clare Bly, Parent

"I didn't miss my parents or think about my computer the whole time because there was so much fun stuff for me to do. Wow!"
-Camper Quote from Nicky, Parent

Taylor had a fantastic week! She came home dirty and tired and thrilled. One day, she said it was the best day of her life (wow). She had an authentic experience learned a lot in a safe and supportive environment. She has already started working on carving a fork to go with her spoon. Taylor says that Tommy and Andrew are the best counselors she has ever had. This was a great experience for her!
-Lisa Killian, Parent

David was chomping at the bit every morning to get to camp and so happy and so tired at the end of the day. He loved all of the counselors and especially loved Wildshine. He said, "Wildshine has a lot of gusto. Not just her personality but she can really run fast!" He also engaged us in scintillating breakfast conversation such as, "Mom and dad, what's your favorite kind of apocalypse?" Priceless!
-Lara Hornbeck, Parent

Kieran LOVED his time Blacksmithing at Trackers. I have not seen him that excited about anything in a long time. He has been asking for his own forge since coming home on Monday. Thank you for engaging and nurturing an interest I didn't even know my kid had! We will definitely be back to Trackers.
-Amber Richardson , Parent

What a wonderful week. We weren't sure if this camp, with its long hours and skills like carving, would work for our son with a mild physical disability, but between the theme and the friends who were in the program, he wanted so badly to try it that we enrolled. My son had a wonderful experience, and it was the leaders/adults that made the difference. The counselors worked hard to make everyone a part of the group, and one counselor in particular took the time to help along with the parts he struggled with in a way that didn't embarass him. Overall, it was a wonderful, rewarding experience. My son came home talking about the adventures every day.
-Rebecca, Parent

Ben really enjoyed the week. Brendan was the group leader starting on Tuesday and he was a really good match for Ben. He seemed to understand that Ben sometimes needs to tune out from group activity to get a mental break and was fine with that and made sure that Ben followed safety rules while getting the down time he needed. Brendan seemed very positive and enthusiastic and Ben responds really well to teachers/leaders with a big presence, a sense of humor and someone who is a bit of a "performer" and I think Brendan filled the bill. I was really pleased at how many new and exciting activities Ben did, especially for being such an "indoor kid." He felt really proud, too. We're looking forward to "Realms of the Golden Gate" next week!
-Christa Dahlstrom, Parent

our family is familiar with trackers b/c we've did the after school program last academic year. however, i wasn't sure what the weeklong summer program would be like. my son is someone who is creative and fun-loving, but can be reserved jumping into new things with new people. he loved secret agent camp! i think he really enjoyed the narrative and immersive play involved, and came home saying things like, "tomorrow's gonna be a big day!" and "tomorrow we're doing a rescue mission!". I've not really ever heard him be so excited about a structured group activity before. thanks for a wonderful week! we'll be back! also, i really appreciated how staff were responsive logistically---we needed to drop off late a day, pick up early another, and i felt they were helpful and accessible.
-grace, Parent

Finn' says "my favorite part of the week was in fantasy check. I loved fighting Lord Devorious and defeating his minions, and stopping Lord Devorious from taking over the world. But some of the people on our side turned evil and helped Lord Devorious. P.S it was the awesomest camp ever in the eternal life span. I liked all of the counsellors because they are all very nice. Thanks for the awesome camp. I hope I come again sometime. Love, Finn”
-Mari Willits, Parent

I have had difficulty finding camps my daughter still enjoys at her age (12). She came home full of enthusiasm and really enjoyed her every day of her first week of camp. She was most thrilled about any extra time at the archery range but also raved about camouflaging herself well enough to be one of the last ones standing during foam archery battle. Nice to see her enjoy camp so thoroughly. She has also come home with tidbits of knowledge about nature which she has enjoyed sharing with her little brother.
-Kim Medina, Parent

Noah usually has a hard time separating at goodbye time drop-off for camp. As this was his first time with Trackers we were concerned it might be really difficult. Not at all! He was such a happy camper (pardon the pun) at drop off and upon arriving home each day. He was very proud to show his news skills from the week (cordage, wittling wooden sticks with a knife, archery, finding crabs, building shelters). He came home dirty, happy and tired. As parents we couldn't be more happy. We were also thrilled that he was out in nature, getting his hands muddy. Tonight we asked what he thought of Trackers? "Best camp I've ever been to". What more could any of us ask for?! As parents, we appreciate that Trackers had faith that a 6 year old was capable of trying out new and possibly dangerous skills. Thank you Trackers! PS. He loved the LEGO figurine he got on the last day.
-Lori, Parent

Graham had an incredible time at all three of the Trackers Earth Camps he attended. He's in the 2-3 group and he attended Survival, Fire & Knife, Forest Ninjas, and Thundercamp. If I had to grade his happiness on a scale of 1-10 I'd give your camps an 11! This was our first year and we will definitely be coming back next summer. We'd come during the school year, but we live in SF. Things he liked: The counselors. making real stuff, listening to the storytellers, learning fact, information and skills about the outdoors and survival skills, being physically active Things I liked: The women counselors - I'm 47 and I love that my son got to have these smart, fun, creative and adventurous young women as role models. That he spent so much time outdoors, got so hungry he ate his whole lunch, came home talking full speed about what he had done/built/carved/seen/learned.... I always felt he was safe but not overly coddled. I wanted him to spread his wings and feel some independence and freedom and you provided that. Many thanks! Johanna
-Johanna Metzgar, Parent

She came home filthy and excited! It meant much to her to be treated with such respect and valued, entrusted with responsibility.
-Sarah Gahl, Parent

I can't say enough good things about camp these last two weeks. Last night someone was lighting a fire at a BBQ and Noah was lamenting that he didn't have his charcloth (?) so he could make a nest and use dragon breath. He helped build the fire and made suggestions. He clearly gained fire building knowledge, developed a serious respect for fire tending and gained confidence in his own skills. Ditto for wood carving. He made friends he really liked -- "rodent" and "raptor" :) He loved camp! I also loved how each day the counselors informed me about what he did and how the group dynamic was working. Thank you!
-Tracy, Parent

Seba had an amazing week at camp. His excitment with his new learned games and abilities was carried out throughout the day. For a child that usually stomps as he walks, he managed to come down the stairs and sneak up on me without being noticed at all. He came home telling stories. He was also very excited to be using his knife a little bit at the last day. He is looking forward to another opportunity to come back to trackers.
-Vered Cohen , Parent

Our son loved fishing both in the bay and reservoir. He was really excited by catching sharks, stingrays, rainbow trout and crabs! He didn't know any of the kids in his group to start but made friends and was very happy every day to go to camp. It's been a great experience for him!
-Ashley, Parent

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