Contact Us

General phone: 510-575-9444

School Year Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Summer & Break Camp Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8am - 4pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Tax Time? For expense deductions use the correct Tax-ID.

Trackers Bay Tax ID - 47-2590347

For common questions and their answers, please see our FAQ page.


Trackers Earth
PO Box 10184
Berkeley, CA 94709

Joining a Waitlist? Fill out all the fields and note program dates and title.

Please remember to fill in all the fields, and please read the Important Note above.

Email Us:

This email form is also a great way to get a hold of us. Please remember to fill all the fields. Note to Hotmail, Yahoo, Comcast & Outlook users: Sometimes our confirmation, reminder emails and other notices sent to a group go to your spam folder or are blocked by the email server. Please add and as a trusted email. For the bay area, please add

This email form is also a great way to get ahold of us. We're often about doing something fun and outdoorsy, so be patient with a reply.
